Many times we hear fetish words that repite constantly and lastly i hear the term Web 3.0, mostly in the cripto ecosystems and smart contracts, so i decide investigate a bit over the theme and know which is the difference while i share this space.
A bit of history.
The internet was born officially from the experiments that occur in the DARPA laboratories in the 60's years with Arpanet, in this moment it's was designed like a channel of military communication between computers but, in these moments the computers size was like a room. however, the search of alternative forms of communication yet is more antique that the experiments of DARPA, part of this theme is documented in the interludes of one my favorite series. Serial Experiments Lain, from these little interludes have condensed many parts of the history of internet, explaining briefly in that consist the findings and the involved scientist, although its history is fiction, your data is completely veridical, i dare you investigate it on your own.
The case is that in the 90's years begin to popularize the domestic computers at the same time internet became massive, for the last years of 90's and start of 2k years, the term web 2.0 begin to popularize in the same time as the term web 1.0
¿What is the web 1.0?
The web 1.0 they are those static web sites, made entirely in HTML, scarcely many CSS style, but without none JavaScript code. The advantage that supposes the internet of those years was that the first time that a computer was can connect to internet without wires, by then a domain is equivalent to a website, also each person produced and was owner of content published in our websites.
You own of content and you can do whatever you want with it.
Static webs, cannot consult or response of any request, only work like advertising leaflet.
if for any reason the HTML file lost, the website break completely.
¿What is the web 2.0?
The web 2.0 is the evolution of version 1.0 that start in the year 2004, resulting like the first social network and blogs, incorporating databases, servers, the JavaScript and PHP languages.
Messaging evolution.
Completely legal software.
Media players implementations.
Loss of privacy
Very dependent of speed connection.
May exist changes in terms and conditions.
Loss of information, today exist and tomorrow not.
¿What is the web 3.0?
It's where we are right now and we about to see the evolution to version 3.x.x. The evolution suppose respect to version 2.0 is the production of native content in the cloud like Adobe Photoshop online, enable can upload your content to server like a cloud, photos, and videos in YouTube.
Handling of enormous amount of data, bank transactions through payments gateways.
3D content with WebGL through HTML5, the connection with virtual reality googles for gain more immersion.
The term was minted in the year 2006 and actually we are beginning to enter to the web 3, really now no consensus for determinate the name, but now we are living the changes.
¿What is the web 3?
Some say that the Web 3 was started with the cryptocurrencies, due the previously in the Web 3.0, the data of money was hosted in the bank server and the user only had access through website of bank. Now the money data is hosted in wallets, allowing transact money through wallets without pass though of the bank, to achieve the security in transaction and the identity of people, is necessary create a consensus between machines for encrypt the information and warranty the data can't be altered by third parties.
Today have 3D spaces with unique objects that are owned by the user thanks to the cryptography and blockchain, that now allow the authenticity of content and can trade directly unique assets.
Now the social network revolution, live content players, the interaction with platforms is direct an immediate.
The messaging to evolve in email, videoconferences, videocalls without necessity of install an application.
Today we have access to cloud computing, from rent a portion of a server for dedicate to artificial intelligence training, protein simulation, rendering videogames with #NvidiaGeForce and others.
Now we have access to free content like royalty free music, videos and photos. now we have clear legal rules have been established regarding the content.
Now we can make orders through the geospatial web, services like Amazon, Uber or Rappi can bring order take advantage of Geo localization through of GPS of smart phones
Start session in many webs now is easier thanks to data link each time that connect with our Google or Facebook account.
Access to customized information.
Quick advance in technology.
More speed.
Free content.
The seekers can access to the information easily.
Complex handling for the codification.
Dire need for semantics standards.
¿What is the web 4.0?
Would are known how the smart machine web, if in the web 3.0 is achieving the capacity of use geo location services, use mobile devices like browser or key. In the web 4.0 is searching the machine interaction, make a chat robot that resolve costumer request with a consistent meaning or can make live content when the costumer need, like text translate in real time made for IA of Google, Siri or Cortana and this task can program like recommendation, ban content or censorship algorithm.
Yet not exist a defined term for web 4.0, it is not known either the future evolution of protocols and the new technologies of internet and possibly the end of many job positions.
The web 4.0 would be the smart machine web.
The web 3.0 would be the interactive internet and mobile (view, write and backup)
The web 2.0 is the bidirectional web and social network (view and write)
The web 1.0 was the web of catalogs (view)
In the last ten years, the technology has advance very quickly, so fast that governments and the citizens can't control the consequences of the advance of technology, however, in order to adapt to the challenging future that await us, we must learn from the leviathan and contribute to your growth, if it is also true that it has not affected us socially, it was under our responsibility, so it's true that we are enhance our life quality.
In other words, if we want conserve our jobs positions, we must learn and apply its new technologies like blockchain, the artificial intelligence, the decentralized applications and carry out next level the mobile applications.
See you next time.