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¿What is money?
I will say in this post is my personal opinion as a simple mortal, my knowledge in this subject is modest and in any momento it is a financial advice, but i wanted of give my apport or throw a log on the fire.
In some lost post i was say that the mundial economy is based only in assumptions and lies, because the money is anchored to the trust that anyone gives, we the citizens that all days we work in get food on the table.
Explain the money nature is complex, because can take focus from different points of view, can be taken like a gain of time, power, like a pay promise, life quality, someone can consider how a beautiful source or happiness, but each one will have a money definition, the truth is that for money itself to be desirable, it must be scarce, genuine, indivisible, non-fungible, easy to transport, store and quantify.
The money has changed depending of the context thought the time, the roman soldiers used the salt for commerce, the prisoners used cigarettes and shaving blades, the miners use gold nuggets, tobacco growers use tobacco leaves.
Through time, the gold has been desirable, the people instead of spending, save it and is very dangerous, the churches and goldsmiths save it in vaults, in exchange of a bill or check that serve like payment promise. Now less 30% of existent money are physical bills for transform in a digital number in a computer. When a central bank print new bills, only introduce numbers in a computer.
¿Why born Bitcoin?
The human race is naturally corrupt and destroy all. The actual system has demonstrated to be abundant for few and scarcity for most people, while that the services around of money decay the quality day after day, for that reason your bank instead of giving money, takes it away and the access to the value markets is very limited for a normal person.
In the 2008 crisis of subprime mortgages, so much money was printed without backing that most people saw through the hoax, later in the year 2009 Bitcoin born like a response to worse management of money for part of government.
Bitcoin in comparison with fiat money meets all requirements of money, solving the authenticity and scarcity problem, except that yet don't massify in the commerce and its use is cumbersome for a common person, it's not private, but give power to people of manage your resources without dependance of third person.
This last point, take the government monopoly of management of money, making a few rich in detriment of most people through hoax, that is why governments demonize #Bitcoiners by treating them as terrorists and imposing regulations on new businesses that flourish within this ecosystem.
¿Bitcoin will die?
I don't know, because the information about this it is controversial in both senses, but i will state the facts for give a bit of light, i will name some reflection points and each person judges.
It is virtual money: The fiat money of all governments is also virtual.
It is the money with which terrorists trade: Bitcoin is a pseudonym and therefore can be traced, and crimes are committed with fiat money.
Bitcoin has no value: many celebrities who have said it, now have Bitcoin, so something of value will have.
The only valuable thing about Bitcoin is the Blockchain: on top of that is the powerful decentralized network that supports it.
If it is something so insignificant, why do they want to regulate it worldwide?
If Goldman Sach has investments in Bitcoin, I doubt Bitcoin is worth zero.
BlackRock which is the third richest country in the world. has investments in Bitcoin.
El Salvador returned Bitcoin as legal tender.
PayPal and other traditional companies accept Bitcoin.
But there are also some problems related to Bitcoin that could be a problem.
There are very few hands with a lot of Bitcoin and many with a little Bitcoin.
Decentralization is concentrated in 4 mining companies.
Mining is not sustainable and affects the environment. Fiat money also harms the ecosystem.
The most popular Exchanges are centralized and this could be an attack vector for government regulations.
Bitcoin is NOT gold 2.0, its price behavior confirms it.
Bitcoin is NOT a safe haven; it acts like a technology stock.
This are the point that i occurs to compare and to analyze, you are correspond to think and reflex, but in my humble opinion, Bitcoin not will go to zero, into the fat fishes market that manipulate the price, they will not give to die Bitcoin, also they brake the governmental regulation, because the game will be limit to retail investor while professional investors take the market.
I think that they are introducing exaggerated fear, that glimpses an evident interest in those terrorists for buy cheaper and late then introduce exaggerated enthusiasm for they sell very expensive.
I am not economist, only i am observer and my personal resume is: the technology is marvelous and i think firmly that this digital money is much better than actual fiat money, but the men is the measure of all things.
I don't want motivate nobody to make anything, in my opinion i think that i will invest a bit for the future, without worries for the news and prices.
I see you in the next post.