Nowadays i was researching which are the minimum requirements for get a first job like programmer being self-taught person, in my actual economic situation and because a friend has encouraged me to enter the industry, i was that begin to work, but just like me i am affected from the jobs destruction due to lockdown of covid-19 in 2020, that has dragged many people into debt with banks or familiars, the government financially rescue to enterprises, who then charge the citizens with taxes.
If the people have less job, therefore less money, therefore less consume in technological products and services as it happened with Netflix or Zoom that now has millionaire loses just like Tesla had to fire to the less skilled programmers for conserve the better talent and the same time rise up the difficulty level of requirements for recruiting new applicants.
This post had it ruined, since i feel that i was terrifying and exaggerating but it was not like that, therefore i have a solution that i will share in the next blog for to be well prepared for get your first IT job.
This question begins to install in my head like a splinter in my brain since that i leave the game programming in Unity to begin to think in something more realistic. Unity is fun, your head is break thinking in manners to achieve your goal, but it's risky bet, simply exist an infinite sea of games that your game should be one more lost in those sea. Possibly your time and effort not has been recompensed, therefore yet i considered that is good idea to dedicate 6 month or one year to develop a game, because enhance the mental logic and the use of design patterns and OPP, very useful for software development.
Now by the side of software developer, is to be in the useful specter, from you apports some more that only entertainment, therefore, how is a wide world is very difficult find a space in the market, from you are develop an application that resolve a specific problem, as much you think, your idea has been created, However, is really necessary all these number of programmers for solve a problem when exist too many tools? We will promote solutions that nobody requests? all this with desire to create a unicorn enterprise that manage absurd amount of capital. My suspicion is that in effect we are impulse solutions that nobody ordered and that the enterprises want make capital from the cheaper material, the human brain. let's explain my suspicions.
Since many years ago, the YouTube channels related with programming there were very few, in general disconnected tutorials, very bad audio, low quality of divulgation. nowadays you can see more youtubers that create whole courses, sell courses in others platforms, an audio, video and a masterful use of the word quality very nice. Also, if you observe that many youtubers leave the programming to convert in popularizers, teachers, coaches, startups creators, among others. If really are than necessary the programmers ¿why are they doing anything other than programming?
Now go to see the laboral offers in Colombia (Were i live) that is i have more confused. In Colombia always are delayed in technology, only in the last govern, the country has put a lot of attention into improving training, online asynchronous courses, online banking competing against traditional banking, creating applications for that the users manage much better your finances. in this way also have increased the services and the payment methods, and in middle of all also have emerge software enterprises to cover national and international demand where workforce is outsourced because in Latin America the salary is cheaper in comparison to other first world countries.
It's seems that, if the empresarial demand is high and the offer is few, but pay good salaries, why is very difficult has been accepted in an enterprise? The enterprises want highly trained staff and not just any newcomer out of college or a self-taught hobbyist, the problem is an increment of demands like the applicant must be known speak in English (the offer is English written if you are Colombian), the applicant must be known a programming language and adjacent technologies that are of interest of company that are not few, also must be have good practice in codification and documentation, know very well to use object oriented programming paradigm and know to use the terminal and GIT, to be very comunicative and empathic, must be work in group also know to think out the box, also know how to speak in inclusive language and be politically correct, they only need to ask that he be handsome and have some pedigree.
If a person has all these qualities, they can set up a company for themselves, it's simply irrational, what the companies ask for is simply ridiculous to the point that it seems that they do not want to be approached.
To get some attention, you must have a well build curriculum vitae perfectly designed for the position, you have a well build LinkedIn profile and updated, the same for GitHub page were upload your projects and show activity, all this must be reviewed for human resources staff, but really is reviewed by a machine, an ATS application (Applicant Tracking System)
This aplicación is able to read curriculums and discard those that not meet the profile, is able reviewed the GitHub code and compare that the applicant has not committed code plagiarism, it's must be a very hard hit like applicant know how convince to the machine for that approve you, to then convince the psychologist and manager in the interview.
Even though this all sounds terrifying and exaggerated, most of the points made here actually happen in the interviews, because the companies know that the high salaries are very atractive for the applicants that they know who do not meet the profile take the risk for a position into company and even some people have good luck and they can say that is easy enter, because others don't speak English is more difficult.
My goal with this post not is discourage to nobody, else make him aware of you have to prepare better, the position is not a gift, you to fight hard, the need excellent programmers, the industry need new talents and the government has been doing a huge effort in training new programmers.
In my particular case i have planned enter into industry the next year and i will prepared, but actually i haven't meet the profile for demonstrate my talent to recruiters, therefore i confese that is an exhausting work to think in each detail, keep updated this blog, keep GitHub updated, keep LinkedIn updated and keep my knowledge updated and all this without leave of work for earn my keep.
In your case, you are more empathic, learn English and not leave of practice, the recruitment will be a bit difficult right now, but keep fighting, no discourage in a world that need programmers, don't give up.