Dejo a disposición algunas herramientas para desarrolladores de videojuegos móviles o cualquier dispositivo de bajos recursos.
Tempus Next
Tempus Next, is a dynamic climate system with a day and night cycle, coming from the old Tempus, which has been rewritten from scratch, to seek better quality, code sustainability, increased features and optimal performance with low resource consumption , easy to configure and easy to expand.
Trees & Bushes Pack
A very broad pack of trees, contains all kinds of plants, shrubs, cactus, aquatic, tropical, jungle plants, dry trunks, leaf particles and butterflies.
It was designed for the development of mobile or low-income games, it contains the vertices painted to simulate the affectation by the movement of the wind and they share a single texture and a single material, it has a unity double-sided shader, a movement function of vertices and a shading for a single directional light, this allows better performance and more volume.
for more information visit my page.
Mobile Friendly Image FX
Fast Effects, is an image effect for unity that contains several camera effects commonly used in the development of video games all together in one in order to save resources and maintain a decent performance.
This has dirt of lens, tint, vignette, refraction and light bounce, easy to use and that will give your game that professional touch you are looking for.
Tellus - Procedural Terrain
Tellus is a procedural terrain generator that uses the perlin noise algorithm to generate heights, position trees, details and objects, this powerful tool will help you create multiple terrains separated
It is an easy to use tool that will only take you 10 minutes to configure, saving you a lot of time and effort.
Tellus is a procedural terrain generator based on Perlin noise, creating various terrains as a grid separating them into 1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 8x8 seam up perfectly, each one a square size.
Dynamic Occlusion
Dynamic Occlusion is a tool that will allow you to run your game with a lighter and focused on dynamic objects in the game experience. although it served in all cases.
How to use: Simply add the script Dynamic Occlusion.cs on your camera or on an empty GameObject. to run you must assign the item to a layer intended to dynamic Occlusion and this object must not be static. And optional dynamic LOD can add the items you want to put more performance. The advantage is that Dynamic LOD automatically calculates its volume and does not interfere with the Static Batching, you can also call Static Batch Utility method and have no problems.
Occlusion culling 100% + System dynamic levels of detail for unity + Dynamic Integrated Quality Changer
The most recent blog entries that you can find in the menu, where I will publish news, tutorials and tricks that help the development of your project